Refer A Friend

Refer A Friend - Get a King Sized Pre-roll (1.3g+)

Who doesn't want a free Pre-Roll?

Don’t gatekeep the best delivery service in town! Tell your friends about us – it really helps us out. In-order to receive the pre-roll you must:

  1. Get a friend to sign up & put YOUR name down under “Referral”
  2. The friend places an order, to a location that is not your own
  3. After the FIRST order, you are now able to get the King Sized joint!
  4. Next time YOU order put in the customer notes “Referred *FRIENDS FULL NAME* – If they have placed an order and put your name down, we will include the gift pre-roll!

Why do we offer such a great deal? Well, its the only way we can truly grow! The best customers come from YOU! If you wish to support us, and get some kick back, please consider inviting friends to try us out!

Extra hard working referees will get bonus gifts! We really appreciate it.

All new customers get a King Sized Welcome joint! So your friend will get one too! Win-Win!

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